Why free hosting is a bad idea

I hope you enjoyed reading my first two posts. Your website is your key to success, hence, it is imperative that you dont make any compromises. Get a good web designer, get a good web host and good seo, only then can you expect a good traffic. If you are short of money, get a fast loan. There are many good and friendly lenders here in NZ like Justcash. Just dont compromise.

Now we would be talking about why free web hosting may be a bad idea (in two parts). Here we start with the first part. Majority of us get lured to subscribe to free webhosting. Actually, what most of us are not aware is that free hosting comes along with heavy disadvantages. In this article, I take you through some these disadvantages to be continued in my next post.

Disadvantages of free web hosting

disadvatnages of free web hosting

Site can go off anytime

Since you do not own the site and you are not paying anything for the same, you will have no right for keeping it live. The host can decide to pull down the site at any time without even notifying you. That can be dangerous especially if you running a business based site.

Vulnerable to hackers

Any webhosting activity values security as top concern, however, this is not the case with free webhosting. So if your site is being hosted free do not be surprised falling prey to a hacker. It has also proved difficult to secure a free-hosted website that has been hacked. This always leads to pain of losing important data that may cost a lot more to put it together again.

Limited Bandwidth

The bandwidth for free hosting is always restricted. If you experience sudden increase in the influx on your site or possibly, you host large files and videos, there is a chance that you will be pulled down immediately for exceeding the limited bandwidth. It may happen at times even without being warned which will lead to lose of data.

Now these are already enough to make you think twice, but we would be still talking about more disadvantages in my next post, so stay tuned guys 🙂